Sunday, 27 June 2010


Does being famous make one unaccountable?  Today on Twitter I had the misfortune of having a heated exchange of tweets with a struggling comedian by the name of Dom Joly.  The catalyst for me was a stupid comment he made about Stevie Wonder not being able to see him switching the TV over. 

"hope Stevie Wonder doesn't see this but...I'm turning over.... "
I responded by tweeting:
 @domjoly That was sooooo funny - NOT !!!
@domjoly Dont mock the afflicted - its NOT funny!!
This is what followed:

@JanSx who made you God?
 @domjoly Nobody made me God, but God made me caring.
@JanSx good for let's hope he works on making you interesting
@JanSx thanks for the critique- especially enjoyed being dissed by a catchphrase last popular in about 1992
@domjoly You dont have a clue who I am, what I do or anything abt me. I have seen u on the tv and know a tad more abt you.....
@JanSx go're boring....
@JanSx so.......why are you following me?
@JanSx still no answer as to why you're following me?
@domjoly Believe it or not, I asked myself the same question after seeing u on BB the other night! You made a complete twat of yrself!
@domjoly and what I have seen makes me realise ur desperate for public recognition for being a funny man.Well, I have news for u - You arent
@JanSx still following me.....would you like some help finding the unfollow button?
@domjoly and you are still irritating and nasty for picking on someone with a disability. Go find more material.
night everyone- Twitter freaks are busy- off to bed
I dont joke about blind people - you do!!!
@domjoly and dont call me a freak!!!
@jonathanwpurvis Thanks. I think he feels he has the right to say just about anything.@domjoly I hope his fans see what he is really like
@jonathanwpurvis He has no right to call me a freak.
@domjoly Run off when u have met yr Typical man!
@JanSx yeah....I've really met my match- you beat me hands down...well done.....

@domjoly The fact that u resort to insulting me and then running off shows that you are weak and incapable of negative feedback. Shame! I merely stated that I found the remark u made abt Stevie Wonder offensive. Instead of apologising, u attacked and insulted me
@domjoly You are pathetic
@JanSx I think you're a little lonely but I'm afraid I can't carry this on, I'm off- Samaritans are 24-7 though 
@domjoly How sad you really are. Go on - Jog On!
@domjoly I suggest u toddle off with that ridiculous phone of yrs and go and irritate someone else. Jog On!!
 @domjoly Coward!!!
@domjoly Why do u think all women are lonely on Twitter? I notice you accused someone of being lonely earlier! Whats that??

The incident has once again made me question the morality of some people in the public eye. I felt the whole tone of his remarks to me were nothing short of condescending and insulting.  It is something I have witnessed before and something that makes me feel extremely uncomfortable.
I love Twitter and happily admit to going on it virtually every day as do many others, I am sure. What really angers me is that people like Dom Joly feel they have every right to insult anyone that gives negative feedback or comments on their tweets. Admittedly, I know a little bit more about him as he is a public figure and I have seen him on several television programmes and by doing so have made a judgement of him as a comedian and performer.  I found his response all the more insulting as he tried to blight my character by calling me a "freak" and saying I was "lonely". What right does he have to make unfounded claims about me as a fellow tweeter and when does he stop being a performer and become an insulting and abusive tweeter?
Suffice to say, my opinion of him has been on a downward slope when I realised some time ago that he was a "one trip pony"; a failing comedian desperate for any kind of publicity. Indeed, I have recently seen him on dubious television programmes struggling for laughs in a bid to rekindle what may have been.  One successful series does not maketh the man and Dom Joly needs to be careful how he speaks to people who may have previously put food on his table.

1 comment:

  1. P.S.
    I have removed an anonymous comment from this blog from someone who obviously does not want to be identified.
    The comment told me I was a " pathetic Twitter freak who wanted glory". I am not a detective but it seemed rather strange that the wording was somewhat (coincidentally) identical to the exchange I had with Dom Joly!


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