It was with stunned silence that my son and I realised the terrible truth - Olly the hamster had escaped! The evidence was blindingly obvious. The roof of his toilet suite was laying on the carpet; sawdust exposed for us to see. I looked in horror, firstly at the cage then at the lid/roof lying like a discarded toy on the carpet nearby. Then peered again at the lid and back to the cage. It was no good. Olly was not going to suddenly appear where he belonged in his super-duper all singing, all dancing green hamster cage.
Reality slapped harder when I remembered cleaning the cage the night before. Damn, I must have forgotten to screw the roof on properly. My son stood by the side of me, amidst his many toys, books and lego sets in the playroom. We were ready to leave. We couldnt spend hours searching for Olly. Cain had to go to school and I had to go to work. Reluctantly, we closed the playroom door behind us and left the house - Olly on the loose.
The day stretched ahead of us and I comforted my son by reminding him that Olly was nocturnal and would appear later when the house was quiet and the sun had gone down. Despite the reassurances voiced to Cain, I spent many moments throughout the day worrying about our missing hamster. The main thing niggling me was the fact that Olly`s cage sits on a desk in the playroom and I was concerned that he may have injured himself or infact died in his desire for ultimate freedom. Would he, could he have survived the fall?
On my return home from work, I hoped against hope that Olly would be sat in the middle of the room waiting for me to pick him up and place him back in his cage. But - Oh No! Our furry little escapee was nowhere to be seen.
Extreme situations call for drastic measures so I have devised not one, but two h-itech traps to fox and hopefully encapture our pet rodent. The first one is a small plastic box with a flap which is specifically designed to ferry hammy around when his cage is being cleaned out. I have very cleverly made it look more appealing to him by putting in some bedding and a food bowl full of his yummy hamster mix. I am hoping that he will smell the food and in a moment of complete abandonment, sneak into the container, whereupon I will leap upon the box and snap shut the flap. Caught!

Trevor our cat!

Run Olly Run!
If that fails I have a large cardboard tube (kodak use to send my prints), open at one end which I have placed on the floor. I have strategically planted one of his favourite hammy treats, inside it . I`m thinking; Olly will sniff the fruitstick from his hiding place and be so overwhelmed and eager to savour it that he will forget he is on the run and attempt to get it. As soon as he enters the tube in search of his goodies, I shall spring forward, grab the tube (making sure to hold it the right way up), and empty contents into currently uninhabited hamster cage. Caught! Hook, line and fruity treat!
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